Martedì, 16 Aprile 2024

Lux in Fabula

Associazione Culturale

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What's Lux in Fabula

Logo Lux in Fabula

Lux in Fabula is a cultural association which has developed from a long history of workshop experience. Since 1981, it has been operating simultaneously in schools, universities, and social and cultural centres.

As a workshop, Lux in Fabula has been involved in research and production activities based on different subjects, ranging from art and literature to multimedia communication.

Lux in Fabula has participated in several cultural events held in Naples, Italy and abroad. In the years '89, '90, and '91 it took part in the Neapolitan [Naples] exhibition "Futuro Remoto: A Journey between Science and Science Fiction." In '91 and '92, Lux in Fabula participated in the well-known Neapolitan [Naples] book exhibition "Galassia Gutenberg."

As regards the association's educational activity, it is mainly an experimental one, and includes different aspects concerning visual communication media: historical outline, optics and photographic techniques, decoding of visual messages, construction of images and audiovisuals on the topics of specific texts and music. The discovery and exploration of visual media is made through an interdisciplinary approach.

The association's audio-visual production has progressively turned to cultural heritage and the state of the environment, with a focus on both information and aesthetic research.

The association, developing from its workshop experience, enlarged its field of activity with special attention to the local arts and environment, and is now concentrating its efforts on the reclamation, promotion, and creation of art in public spaces[, and public spaces as art].

Lux in Fabula is a non-profit association. It aims at promoting and developing cultural life, solidarity, and friendship among people.

Since 1984, in several schools of Naples, the association has organized workshop activities which teach how to decode images and to make audiovisual art.

Today the association manages cultural exchanges to further educational experiences with German centres connected to the [German] Ministry of Youth. Refresher courses and lectures on methods of working with young people were held in Naples, Bari, Lecce, and Potenza in Italy; Bonn, Munich, Frankfurt, and Stralsund in Germany; Pamplona in Spain; and Patra in Greece.


  • Decoding of Visual, Musical, and Theatrical Languages
  • Audiovisual Production
  • Photography and Darkroom Experimentation
  • Construction of Pre-Cinematography Equipment: magic lantern, taumatrope, phenaphistoscope, zootrope; with projection of cartoons and super eight short films
  • Painting on Glass and Stage Make-Up


  • Exhibitions: painting, sculpture, photography, etc.
  • Visual Arts and Video Library
  • Slides Library on Art and Environment : Naples, Campi Flegrei, Capri , archaeological sites, etc.
  • Concerts: folk, classical and jazz music
  • Cultural-Educational Itineraries : Naples and its surroundings

Arts and Crafts